Commercial Laundry. Our wash & fold service offers the best quality and best turn around in the industry. Laundry Service in and around the Westchester Area for Restaurants, Colleges, and More
WashLikeHome.com does commercial laundry service. We work with all kind of businesses to do their laundry. This frees up time so you can do more business when you leave your laundry to us.
Our commercial laundry service provides linen cleaning service which includes sheets, towels, and napkins. We service small motels and Airbnb.
We also do laundry for our many Golf Courses and Marinas in the Westchester area, as well as substantial commercial laundry for hospitals, medical centers, doctor’s offices, dentist offices, chiropractors.
We can do laundry for High Schools, Colleges, Preschools. We also do football and other sports uniforms for high schools and colleges. We know how to get those grass stains out!
For Camps, the kids don’t even have to bring their camping clothes inside!
We service tanning salons, hair salons, spas, gyms, and fitness centers, wellness professionals and physicians cleaning and sanitizing their sheets, towels, lab coats. Everything is weighed after they are washed and dried!
Commercial laundry is priced just a bit differently than residential pickup and delivery. Because of this, we bid the jobs. Contact us for a quote by emailing us at: careteam@washlikehome.com or call (914) 437-3171. We’ll work together and lift this laundry burden from you!